Friday, June 26, 2015

First Tesla Post on Blogger

I started the blog I'm Getting a Tesla about a year ago now and really love writing on it - although I haven't done much writing there lately because all of my sites have been attacked by hackers.  It really sucks - sucks time, sucks money and worst of all it sucks A LOT of energy.

Since I have continually been screwed up by the hack attack on many different servers, I'm toying with the idea of moving ALL (at least most) of my blogs here to Google.

Afterall, Blogger is owned by Google.  How can I lose?  (Do not answer that and forget that I ever asked).

Thursday, June 18, 2015

TMC Connect, the Official Conference of Tesla Motors Club To Be held in Santa Clara, CA, July 10-12

TMC Connect

TMC Connect is Less Than a Month Away!

TMC Connect, the official conference ofTesla Motors Club (to be held in Santa Clara, CA, July 10-12) is less than a month away!
TMC Connect has announced some of their speakers for TMC Connect 2015.  Ricardo Reyes, Tesla Motors Vice President of Global Communications will be joining us, as well as a panel of Tesla engineers working on vehicle production, Autopilot, and Tesla Energy.
In addition, Ashlee Vance, author of the biography Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future, will be participating in a Q&A led by Chelsea Sexton, star of Who Killed the Electric Car and consulting producer of Revenge of the Electric Car.  Look for updates on the forum and the event website as we finalize additional speakers.
Please note that early-bird pricing will be ending this Friday at 4PM PDT and our hotel group rate will no longer be guaranteed after Thursday evening, so if you haven’t already done so, please go ahead and register for the event and book your hotel if needed.